Mission & Values
Mission of Trinity Lutheran Church: Led by God, equipped as disciples through Word and Sacrament, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all.
The Vision of Trinity: Growing in God’s Word to Share Christ’s Love.
We have the living Lord among us! Our congregation has been blessed in its efforts to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We invite you to come and grow with us!
Holy Communion at Trinity
We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a sacrament, a rite instituted by Jesus during which ordinary, visible elements connected to the word of God become extraordinary means of forgiveness, grace, and spiritual renewal (Mt. 26:26-28). During the Eucharist, or “giving of thanks”, we believe that the body and the blood of Jesus Christ are truly present “in, with, and under” the ordinary elements of bread and wine which are, then, not mere symbols of his presence. We further believe that our participation in this sacrament is an act of confession (1Cor. 11:26) and of Christian unity (1Cor. 10:17). We prepare to participate worthily in this meal by seriously examining ourselves and confessing our sins (1Cor. 11:28).
If you understand this meaning of the sacrament, examine yourself, confess your sins, truly desire forgiveness, and trust in God’s grace alone to live a life exhibiting the fruit of repentance (Gal. 5:22), then feel welcome to commune with us. Please speak to the Pastor before communing with us for the first time. We receive both elements of bread and wine. For the wine we offer a non-alcoholic alternative. Most people come forward to the altar rail to receive Communion; however, we will bring the elements to your pew if you have difficulty coming forward.
If you wish to come forward for a blessing, we ask that as you kneel at the altar rail that you keep your hands folded and head bowed to signal your intent.