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Social Action Programs

The Board of Social Ministry coordinates all social action programs bringing the needs of people in the congregation, community and society in general to the attention of the congregation. Our ministry includes:

Monthly Events
Each month we provide an event for the congregation and guests to attend. January is Card Night. February is Glass Fusing Class. March is Family Fun Night on March 10. 

Backpack Ministry and Nurses Needs
We support three community schools with donations of school supplies and nurse’s items. White Bluff Elementary, Windsor Forest Elementary, and Largo Tibet Elementary school. Each school provides us with a wish list at the beginning and middle of the school year. Backpacks are filled with the generous donations of the congregation and are distributed to the schools to meet their student’s needs. 

Hearts of Compassion
Hearts of Compassion Helping Hands Ministry is an outreach program at Trinity Lutheran Church. The ministry assists homeless and low-income families with free clothes and food. The ministry receives donating clothing, household items and baby items and distribute them through Savannah/Chatham County and surrounding counties. The ministry also puts together health kits, first aid kits, and other items and distributes them to the homeless community in Savannah. Items needed for health kits include bar soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, nail clippers, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, razors, wash clothes and towels, baby wipes and combs. Items need for first aid kits include antibacterial cream, anti-itch cream, bug spray, band aids and gauze. Other items needed include reading glasses, sewing kits, snacks, water, backpacks, underwear, tents, tarps, sleeping bags, and grocery gift cards.

Our year-long drive to help the homeless and families in need has been in place for a few years now.  Each month during the year, a new needed item will be listed. All you have to do is drop off your item in the bin at the Donation Station in the Social Hall. 
January - Hand lotion or hand sanitizer
February - Hand wipes
March - Toothpaste and toothbrushes       
April - Bar soap and deodorant
May - Sunscreen
June - Shampoo and conditioner   
July - Nail clippers or files      
August - Band-aids, Neosporin and insect repellent
September - Underwear
October - Blankets
November - Backpacks
December - Hats, scarfs and gloves

Food Pantry & Brown Bags
The Food Pantry provides food for families who ask for the church’s assistance. The Food Pantry is open Tuesday from 4- 6 p.m. and Wednesday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Items are purchased with the generous donations provided by Trinity Lutheran Church members. In addition, the Blessing Box is available 7 days a week. The Blessing Box holds items such as pop top cans, pasta and sauce, cereal, fruit and other items that are easy to pick up and use.

We are in continual need of the following items: canned soup, meat, stew, hash, fruit and vegetables, pasta and pasta sauce, crackers, microwaveable meals, boxed meals w/meat, tuna, cereal and peanut butter and jelly. 

Hot Meals for the Homeless
We provided meals for the homeless on Mondays and Fridays each week. The meal on Mondays is a bagged lunch/dinner that includes a sandwich, fruit, chips, dessert and drink. The meals on Friday are a hot meal and the menu varies from spaghetti to fried chicken. The meals are provided for 24-30 homeless and delivered to them in the the small camps.

Support to the Community through Social Outreach
Social Outreach is coordinated with other ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church through adult only, family and children's events. Throughout the year we provide support in numerous ways to SafeShelter, DFACS, GA Southern Career Resource Center, neighborhood fire department and police department to name a few.

Bombas Socks Partnership
We are a Giving Partner with Bombas. Bombas donates essential clothing to Giving Partners in 50 states. Trinity Lutheran Church has been distributing socks in the southeast region since 2018. We are currently waiting for our 2023 shipment! If you are interested in receiving socks, please contact the Church Office.\ at (912_ 925-4839.