Lutheran Women's Missionary League
For over 77 years, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) has been an official auxiliary of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The mission of LWML is to assist each woman in their relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
LWML History
"There's no question the church is behind you because in so many ways you are ahead of the church." With those words, a Lutheran historian applauded the progress of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) since its founding in 1942. Its roots, however, go back nearly a century earlier. Beginning in the 1850s, women of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) www.lcms.orgstarted local auxiliaries to meet the needs of people—mending clothes for seminarians, equipping hospitals, establishing schools, developing convalescent and retirement homes, assisting orphanages and residences for people with disabilities, gathering clothing, furniture and food for indigents, and funding mission endeavors at home and abroad. Not until the 1920s, however, did members of congregational societies begin to coordinate their efforts by uniting in state and regional leagues. Oklahoma was first in 1928, but it took more than a decade before official approval was granted for a national LCMS women's organization. (Written by Marlys Taege Moberg)
In response to resolutions from two district groups, the 1938 LCMS convention established a committee to study “the problem” (of establishing a synod wide women’s organization). The committee’s 1941 report was favorable, and the Synod not only approved, but encouraged the creation of a general organization of women. Five pastors were appointed to arrange a meeting of representatives from interested districts. At that meeting, held July 7–8, 1942, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was founded by delegates from 15 districts. Today it is active in every district of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. LWML has set a pattern for similar organizations in other countries where there are LCMS partner churches. (LWML History
Our LWML Board:
President: Jackie Deemer
Vice President: Elaine Long
Secretary: Sandra Jarrell
Treasurer: Sharon Johnson
Spiritual Growth: Linda Tomko
Trinity’s LWML meets the first Wednesday of each month. All women of Trinity are invited to attend.
Trinity Lutheran Church will be celebrating Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) on Sunday, October 1st.
Altar Guild
Our pledge: We are grateful servants of God, servants of God’s people, servants of the liturgy, and servants of the worship space. Our work is never to be a burden, but it is to be a privilege. A sense of joy and privilege is coupled with reverence, a deep sense of awe, mystery, wonder, and ultimate respect in the presence of the Holy One. Amen.
The nature of the work of the Altar Guild and its purpose is to serve; its service requires spiritual commitment; and its service has a spiritual goal. Throughout the history of the Christian church there have always been those who have attended to the place of worship, its furnishings, and its appointments. These men and women serve the Lord and the church, in other words the Altar Guild is to serve. It serves by making sure that the place of worship is maintained and set up for the times and seasons of the church year. Basically, the Altar Guild prepares the worship space for every service by proper paraments, banners, fine linen, preparation of communion, flower placement, and candles. They also care for the albs for the Elders and the cassock and cottas and albs for the acolytes and crucifer. In addition, most of the banners are made by Altar Guild members. The Altar Guild posts the sign-up sheet for altar flowers for the year and orders the Easter lilies and poinsettias. They also are the group that relies on congregational members to help with the greening of the church preparing for Advent and Christmas and decorating of the tree with Chrismons which have all been made by the Altar Guild. They are the ones who prepare for baptisms, confirmation, weddings and funerals. This all takes a dedication to our Lord as the responsibility is great for making sure everything is prepared for Worship Service. Afterward, they lovingly store all items, safeguarding them for use throughout the year.
The Altar Guild is a ministry--a gift of time and talent to serve the Lord in His house. We at Trinity are blessed by the Altar Guild and their dedication to serving the Lord.
Our Altar Guild volunteers are:
Lonna McEwen, Gretchen Holmes, Becky Reeves, and Sandra Jarrell.
If you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild please contact Lonna McEwen at or any member of the Altar Guild. They meet the third Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.
Our TLC quilters meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. They make twin size quilts and lap size quilts. The twin size quilts are $60 each and the lap size quilts are $30 each. Approximate size for the twins is 60x80 and the lap quilts is 40 x 50. We also make baby size quilts for donation only. Currently we are donating to Winn Army Community Hospital and the Veteran's Administration.
Our crafters meet every Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Education Building. They continually make new and creative items for Novemberfest and Springfest. All are invited to join us.